📈Hypothetical Earning Potential

Year-End Summary:

  • Total Number of Premium Users Joined Under Referral: 500

  • Total USD Earned from Subscriptions and Bonuses: $11,228

  • Milestones Achieved:

    • Feb: $50 for 50 referrals

    • Mar: $120 for 100 referrals

    • Jun: $350 for 250 referrals

    • Dec: $800 for 500 referrals

  • Total LGX Earned from Referrals Staking: 320,000 LGX

  • Total Value of Earned LGX: $1,600 (320,000 LGX * $0.005)

  • Grand Total in USD (including LGX value): $12,828 🚀

Disclaimer: The figures provided in this example are purely hypothetical and based on the scenario where an ambassador refers 500 premium users over a 12-month period, with only a small percentage of them choosing to stake tokens. It is important to note that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and token prices can fluctuate significantly. While the token price in this example is assumed to be $0.005, the actual market price may vary. We believe that with a growing number of stakers and users on our platform, the potential market value of our token could be substantially higher than our conservative estimate. However, this should not be taken as a guarantee of future token value, and we advise all our ambassadors and users to consider market risks and perform due diligence.

Last updated